Maryland South Area

Aglow International is a trans denominational organization of Christian women and men with more than 4,000 local groups in 171 nations of the world. It is one of the largest international organizations of its kind with over 1,100 local groups in the U.S. alone. Aglow reaches an estimated 200,000 individuals each month through local groups -- the heart of the organization.
The Maryland South Area of Aglow International is under the leadership of Dianne Sothoron and a dedicated area leadership team. The Maryland South Area is comprised of several lighthouses which conduct small group bible studies, care (support) groups, retreats, outreach and ministry throughout the region.
VISION: Prepare a place where My power and majesty may dwell, a place where My Son, Jesus, may manifest.”
We decree that MD South fears the Lord and serves Him with joy and thanksgiving.
We decree MD South asks the Lord to search their heart and lead us in His everlasting way on the highway of holiness.
We decree MD South hears the voice of the Lord and the voice of another we will not follow.
We decree MD South walks in the Spirit and does not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
We decree MD South trusts in the Lord with all their heart and does not lean on their own understanding.
We decree MD South seeks the Lord for wisdom and has a fixed focus on Him.
We decree MD South keeps their eyes on the Lord and He keeps us in perfect peace
We decree the angel of the Lord surrounds MD South.
We decree MD South abides under the shadow of the Lord.
We decree MD South delights in the law of the Lord and is planted by streams of water and bears fruit in season and whatever MD South does prospers.
We decree the Lord is a shield around MD South.
MD South decrees we seek the Lord in all our ways and He directs our path.