Maryland South Area

Jackie Perry
Vice President
Leadership Development
“In Him we live and move and have our being.”
Acts 17:28a
​ Jackie Perry had her first encounter with the Aglow ministry in 1984 at a Washington, D.C. fellowship meeting because there was a freedom to worship, to learn from women who were mature in their faith, and to grow stronger in the Lord.
In 1985 the Capitol Heights​​ lighthouse was established and Jackie served as Corresponding Secretary. Later she became president of the Capitol Heights team and she served in that capacity for many years. Jackie subsequently joined the Maryland South Area Team as Vice President of Public Relations; she is currently the Vice President of Leadership Development.
In addition to her involvement in the Aglow ministry, Jackie is a musician who trained choirs to sing at her church for many years. As the Holy Spirit taught her, Jackie taught the members to minister to the Lord in song. She loves to encourage other women and she wants to help them realize their identity-who they are in Christ.
Email Jackie, ​​​jperry8207@verizon.net​​