1) We prayed regarding an elderly aunt (of one of the women in our group) who did not allow any talk of Jesus. When we prayed, we were able to encourage Jeri to persevere and the Lord directed Jeri on how to approach her aunt -- (“whisper in her ear the Word”). That is a condensed version.
2) Kay prayed for a cashier who had sprained her ankle, very swollen. She prayed and the ankle was healed which led to her receiving the Lord and a long relationship of healing miracles with this women.
3) A Jewish lady who we met when she was conducting a grieving class at a community center and she had car trouble, so we offered to help and told her about Aglow. She started coming to our Thursday prayer meetings and said she felt so much peace - so she continued until one day we knew this was the day she would receive salvation - even though we did not know if she was going to attend. So when she walked in we were delighted and she did receive the Lord as her Messiah. Her daughter in law is now an integral part of our prayer time.
4) Bringing the women to our Thursday prayer meetings from the homeless shelter resulted in one of them receiving salvation and finding a wonderful housing provision.
5) We had a “sister” who has a church in the Andes in Venezuela who joined us for several months. During that time, we had been reaching out to the lady who cleans the apt complex where I live, but language was a barrier. One day she was cleaning when we had our meeting and the Spanish speaking sister overheard our efforts to speak to the cleaning lady and she came spoke to the woman and prayed with her to receive Jesus. Since then have been able to pass on to her Spanish literature for her to give to others.
You know about our time at the high school and the students doing drugs on the patio. And how the Lord led us to pray for them and talk with them which led to our being spoken to by the principal of the school who was so grateful she asked us to continuing praying and to come in before school opened to pray over every classroom. At times the maintenance men have had to come when we are meeting so we have also prayed with/for them.
6) Some of us are involved in governmental intercession so there is a lot of time spent on that. Also, because of the international tenor of our group we do focus on other countries as well - Our Egyptian sister continues to reach out successfully to many Muslims as well.
7) One of the women went to have their haircut. The beautician had been in accident, bruised ribs, very painful. She was scheduled to go on snorkeling adventure the next day. Prayed for her and she was completely healed. Amazingly encouraging!!!